New Information

Volunteers Needed for Senior Rides Program

Hanover Senior Rides needs volunteer drivers to help Seniors and disabled persons who can no longer drive. This service gives seniors the mobility they need to live independently. Our volunteer drivers use their own vehicles to take seniors to medical appointments, to grocery shopping and for personal business. Drivers are paid 50 cents per mile to reimburse for the cost of gas. The Hanover Senior Rides program in Central Hanover County is operated in Ashland by Ashland Christian Emergency Services (ACES).
Contact us to see how you can help our seniors. (804) 543-6115.

Additional information regarding our service can be found on the “About Us” tab (then click on “Services” from the dropdown menu) at the top of the home page on this website.

Hanover Churches Network

The mission of the Hanover Churches Network is to coordinate the response for social needs by churches in Hanover County, VA. The Hanover Churches Network allows local churches to partner with local community service organizations to create a resource database that they can use to serve their church members and their neighbors in need. It also gives you access to a monthly email with helpful information and events and to join a monthly virtual meeting where we hear from a local church and a local community organization about the services they offer and how your church might be able to partner with them to better serve your congregation and church neighbors. 

Hanover Churches Network would also love to have your church speak at one of our monthly meetings to share about what your church does well that others can learn from (i.e. social impact programs like a thriving food pantry or a housing instability program, or a partnership with a nonprofit etc.). We would also be happy to promote your church events that benefit the community on our socials and in our newsletters. We are stronger together and the Hanover Churches Network wants to provide a platform for churches in our county to work together to better serve our local community.